
This document sets forth the Terms of Use of the Site (hereinafter, respectively, the "Terms of Use" and the "Site") owned by The Apartment S.r.l. with registered office in Cosenza, Via Carlo Cattaneo, 80/A, 87100, Cosenza, P.IVA: 04308510157 ("The Apartment").

Access to and navigation on the Site are governed by these Terms of Use, so that by accessing and navigating the Site users and Customers agree to agree to abide by these Terms of Use. to which all persons who intend to navigate the web pages of the same must abide.

Access to the Site and, in any case, any action involving navigation on its web pages constitute acceptance of the Terms of Use and, precisely for the purpose of making users/Customers of the Site aware of them, a link recalling this document appears when the home page of the Site is opened. In case you do not intend to accept the Terms of Use, simply refrain from browsing the pages of the Site.

The Apartment reserves the right to temporarily or permanently block the account, effective immediately and without notice, of any user/Customer if illegal or fraudulent activity is detected. Likewise, The Apartment reserves the right to block the account, effective immediately and without notice, if abnormal use of the account is detected, including through the use of BOTs or other tools that The Apartment detects may alter or impair the functionality of the Site and its services.

In such cases, blocking the account will result in cancellation and cancellation of orders.

The Apartment reserves the right to ask users/Customers who do not agree or do not intend to abide by these terms to refrain from using the Site.

Access to the Site and related services is intended for personal use only.

Viewing the Site provides customers with information about proposed products along with the ability to purchase them.

The Site is owned by The Apartment.

The Apartment assumes no responsibility for malfunctions of the Site or for damages caused to the user/Customer by the use of the Site, which are not causally attributable to The Apartment itself.

The Apartment publishes information on its Site in order to provide a service to useers/Customers, but disclaims responsibility for any technical inaccuracies and/or typographical errors. If reported, The Apartment will make corrections immediately.

The Apartment makes no warranty that the information posted on its Site complies with the laws of the user/Cutomers's jurisdiction.

The Site is a protected site according to international Internet standards, therefore, the user/Customers's device may not be affected by viruses while browsing if this is done correctly. However, The Apartment disclaims any responsibility from any problems, damages, viruses or risks that the user/Customer may incur during the misuse of the Site and disclaims any responsibility from any malfunctions of the Site due to the deactivation of "cookies" in the user/Customers's browser.

Users/Cutomers must accept the terms and conditions of this legal notice, and should visit these pages periodically for any updates, changes, and corrections.

The Apartment reserves the right to make corrections and changes to the Site, as well as to modify the terms and Conditions of Use of the Site when necessary, without notice

In addition to the above, anyone who accesses the Site implicitly declares that he or she is of legal age and that he or she will not use the Site and the material contained therein for any purpose that is unlawful or otherwise contrary to applicable law.

The Terms of Use may be modified by The Apartment at any time, without notice of this circumstance being given to users/Customers, and without prejudice to users/Cutomers' obligation to review them periodically before accessing the contents of the Site.

If goods and services are offered within the web pages of the Site or content is presented that is subject to specific terms and conditions set forth on those pages, those terms and conditions will prevail over these Terms of Use where they conflict.

Content of the Site

The Apartment intends to offer, through the pages of the Site, information of a general nature in relation to its activities and, although this information is constantly verified and updated by competent and specially selected personnel, it is understood that the content of the same, with reference to the subject matter dealt with, is not to be considered either exhaustive or complete or otherwise correct. Therefore, the user/Customer who intends to rely on the information on the Site must carry out an independent and additional verification of the correctness of the same. In this regard, The Apartment informs that the material contained in the Site is to be considered "on as is basis," that is, it may not be adequate and/or suitable for specific purposes and interests pursued by the person accessing its pages or it may have within it elements that, if reused, could result in infringement of intellectual property rights in the ownership of third parties.

Links to both third-party sites may be included on the Site. In this case, the hyperlinks have only the function of facilitating the user/Customer’s navigation without there being any relationship between the content of the Site and that of the third party site reached, which remains outside the sphere of action of The Apartment. In addition, The Apartment makes it known that it cannot influence in any way the structure of third-party sites linked to its own nor have knowledge of the truthfulness, correctness and adequacy of the materials and/or information contained therein, and this even in the hypothesis that there are negotiating relationships between The Apartment and the third party owner of the site receiving the link.

Intellectual and industrial property rights

All contents of the Site are protected and safeguarded by current copyright and industrial and/or intellectual property laws. By way of example, but not limited to, the content of the Site must be understood to include, inter alia:



the films;


graphs and tables;


audio playbacks;

drawings, animated or not;

Any graphic and/or text representation in general.

Therefore, you may not copy and/or reproduce all or part of the content of the Site without the express written permission of The Apartment.

At the same time, it should be noted that all trademarks, domain names, company names, firms and signs present on the site are in the ownership of third party companies and/or The Apartment and therefore protected by current legislation on distinctive signs. It is therefore absolutely forbidden to reproduce them in any form or manner without the express written authorization of The Apartment or, where different, of the relevant rights holder as well as the registration of the name "The Apartment" under any top level domain is to be considered equally forbidden.

The Site and its contents (including but not limited to: the works, images, photographs, dialogues, music, sounds and videos, documents, drawings, figures, menus, web pages, graphics, colors, schemes, tools, fonts and design of the Site), as well as the trademarks and distinctive signs used by The Apartment in connection with the sale of the Products, are protected by the rules on intellectual and industrial property rights. Consequently, any kind of reproduction, communication, distribution, publication, alteration or transformation, in any form and for any purpose, of the contents of the Site, trademarks and distinctive signs used by The Apartment that is not expressly authorized is prohibited.

The trademarks and distinctive signs on the Site that distinguish the products sold on are the property of their respective owners and are used within the Site for the sole purpose of distinguishing, describing and advertising the goods for sale.

In addition, it should be noted that on the pages of the Site may be located trademarks, domain names, company names, firms and signs owned by third parties, with which The Apartment has relationships of collaboration in various capacities, which enjoy the same protection accorded to the distinctive signs of The Apartment by the relevant regulations in force.

Finally, The Apartment makes it known that it is absolutely forbidden to use all distinctive signs in The Apartment's ownership as metatags, i.e., as html language commands that, while not involving the display or formatting of a certain command, in any case provide instructions to electronic agents or search engines to increase the findability of a site other than those attributable to The Apartment.

Service features.

The Apartment, while adopting all the solutions from the most innovative and cutting-edge technological point of view to make sure that the Site is constantly accessible and free of defects of any kind, makes it known that the same may not be reachable and/or compatible with the computer systems used to access it nor free from errors, viruses and/or further computer malfunctions. Accordingly, anyone accessing the Site expressly acknowledges and agrees that its use should therefore be understood to be made "on as available basis."

Ways of using the Site

In addition to the provisions of paragraph 3 above, The Apartment advises that the content of the Site may not be, in whole or in part, copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, transcribed, transmitted or distributed, in any manner or form, without having obtained the prior written permission of The Apartment, except for the activities of printing, downloading and viewing part of the content of the Site performed for exclusively personal and non-commercial purposes and provided that the material in question is not modified in any way and all information relating to intellectual and/or industrial property rights affixed thereto is maintained.

At the same time, the content of the Site may not, in whole or in part, be disseminated through communication channels, such as the Internet Network, television, radio or any other systems in the absence of prior written authorization from The Apartment.

The information and materials contained in the Site may not, moreover, be used for commercial purposes for the purpose of establishing databases of any kind or kind, nor may they be stored (in whole or in part) in pre-existing databases, whether accessed exclusively by the constituent or made available to third parties.

Linking and Framing

The Apartment informs that, in order to create a link to its home page currently reachable at the web address (the "Home Page"), it is necessary that a request to this effect be sent by e-mail in which the following must be indicated: (a) the details of the person responsible for the technical aspects of link management (including e-mail address and telephone number); (b) the details of the requesting company; (c) an indication of the web address of the site where the link to the Home Page will be created; (d) any further information is deemed useful for the purpose of obtaining authorization from The Apartment.

Where authorized by The Apartment, the creation of a link to the Site attributes a non-exclusive and non-transferable license having as its object the use of the name "The Apartment" for the sole and exclusive purpose of creating a hypertext link from the site in the third party's ownership to, with the express exclusion of any other use. In any case, The Apartment exclusively recognizes the possibility of creating a link to its Home Page and not to the internal pages of the Site.

Without the prior written authorization of The Apartment, it is in no way permitted to create links to the Home Page of the Site or even to internal and/or ancillary pages of the Site, effectively creating a so-called "deep link", nor to hook or present the content of the Site within another Site, consequently posing a so-called "framing".

In this regard, it should be noted that violation of the provisions of the previous paragraph also constitutes conduct that can be prosecuted under the aspect of unfair competition, which is governed by the relevant regulations in force.

Materials sent to The Apartment

Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 11. below, the submission to The Apartment, by e-mail or through the Site, of any material shall entail the implicit authorization for the same to be freely reproduced, used, revealed, displayed, transformed, used to make copies and distributed to third parties without any limitation. Likewise, subject to respect for the moral right of copyright, all text, ideas, concepts, know-how and/or technical knowledge that may be contained in such material may be freely used and economically exploited by The Apartment for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to the development, production and marketing of products using such material or related or connected to it. Through the submission of the material to The Apartment you represent and warrant that you are the exclusive owner of it, or otherwise have obtained the right to freely use it with the consequent total exclusion of the risk that its use may result in the infringement of rights of any kind and sort in the hands of third parties. In view of the "open" nature of the Internet Network, The Apartment expressly recommends that material which the user/Customer does not consider freely usable by third parties should not be transmitted through telematic communication channels.

Applicable Law

The Terms of Use shall be construed to be governed by Italian Law and shall accordingly be interpreted by applying such law.

Access to the Site - Liability

Anyone accessing the Site from a country other than Italy is required to conduct himself/herself in full compliance with the Terms of Use and the laws in force within the latter country and expressly guarantees that he/she will not use the Site and the material contained therein in such a way as to result in a violation of the laws just mentioned.

You are solely responsible for your use of the Site and its contents, and are solely responsible for the safekeeping and proper use of your personal information, including the credentials that give you access to the Site, and for any harmful consequences or detriment that may result from the misuse, loss, or misappropriation of such information.

Except for liability for willful misconduct and gross negligence, The Apartment assumes no responsibility for the use Site and content that does not comply with applicable laws by the user/Customer, nor for the provision of incorrect, false or related information and data to third parties without their consent.

Changes or additions to the Site

The Apartment informs that it may at any time, in total autonomy and at its own discretion, replace, add, modify and/or supplement the Site and/or the material contained therein as well as the technology used. In this regard, The Apartment expressly advises that such activities may result in the temporary or permanent inability to access the Site and/or its content.

Protection of personal data

The Apartment, as the Data Controller, wishes to provide the following specific information regarding the way in which its website is managed: (the "Site") with reference to the processing of personal data of the users/Customers who consult it. This is also an information provided pursuant to Article 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR" or "Regulation").


  • Directive 2002/58/EC on "the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector."
  • Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/ec (General Data Protection Regulation); and
  • Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003 "Code on the Protection of Personal Data," as amended by Legislative Decree No. 101 of August 10, 2018.


The Data Controller is The Apartment S.r.l., based in Cosenza, Via Carlo Cattaneo No. 80/A, e-mail address: (the "Company" and/or the "Data Controller").


Processing related to the web services of this Site takes place at the aforementioned headquarters of the Company and at the offices of any other third parties, in accordance with current regulations, that may offer outsourced services.

The Apartment, in its capacity as "Data Controller", informs the user/Customer that the personal data provided by the same and acquired at the same time as (i) the registration on the Site, (ii) the conclusion of a contract for the purchase of products with the same The Apartment, (iii) the request for information regarding the products and services offered by that company, (iv) at the time of navigation on the Site through the so-called "logs" system, will be processed for the purposes indicated below:

  • for the performance by The Apartment of activities necessary for the conclusion, management and execution of contracts for the purchase of products through the Site;
  • for purposes strictly related and/or necessary to the satisfaction of requests made, from time to time, by the user/Customer through the Site or by e-mail or other means of communication
  • for purposes related to obligations under laws, regulations and EU legislation as well as provisions issued by authorities empowered to do so by law or by supervisory and control bodies;
  • sending newsletters and promotional materials having to do with the services offered The Apartment.

In relation to the purposes indicated above, the processing of personal data is carried out using manual, computerized and telematic tools with logic strictly related to the purposes in question and, in any case, in such a way as to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data. In addition, if it is necessary in order to fulfill the user/Customer's requests, the user/Customer's data may be communicated to companies other than The Apartment.

Data will be kept within the EU unless otherwise stated.

With reference to the above-mentioned purposes, The Apartment informs that the provision of data is mandatory for the purposes sub (i), (ii) and (iii), with the consequence that, in such, any refusal to provide such data will result in The Apartment being unable to fulfill users/Customer' requests.

In view of the above, with reference to the processing referred to in number iv) above, The Apartment will require the user/Customer from time to time, through special masks placed on the Site, to give consent to the performance of such type of processing.

Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this Site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users/Customers to be identified. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users/Customer connecting to the Site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user/Customer's operating system and computer environment. These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site and to check its correct operation and are deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the Site.

Data voluntarily provided by the user/Customer

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of personal data by the user/Customer in the registration forms on this Site or by calling and/or writing any telephone numbers accessible from the Site, involves the subsequent acquisition of the data provided by the sender, necessary for the provision of the service or information requested. Specific information on the processing of personal data may be reported or displayed on the pages of the Site prepared for particular services requested.

Anonymous or aggregated data

Anonymization takes the form of processing aimed at preventing the identification of the data subject. Anonymized data are outside the scope of data protection legislation. Aggregated data may be derived from personal data provided by the user/Customer but are not considered personal data because, as specified, they neither directly nor indirectly allow identification of the data subject.


Please refer to the Cookie Policy accessible at for more information about the cookies we use.


 Personal data will be processed for the following purposes:

  • Purpose to enable navigation and consultation within the Site. The legal basis for processing is consent, which is understood to be manifestly given through consultation of the site (art. 6, first paragraph, let. a)).
  • Purposes inherent in the provision of requested services (responses to inquiries and subscription to informative newsletters). The legal basis for processing is consent, which is understood to be manifestly expressed by filling out the form (art. 6, first paragraph, let. a)).
  • Purposes inherent in the purchase of products. The legal basis for processing is the performance of the contract (Art. 6, first paragraph, let. b).
  • Purposes inherent in sending commercial communications. The legal basis for the processing is consent (Art. 6(1)(a)).
  • Purposes inherent in the sending of commercial communications to customers who have purchased a product, through the use of the email address provided in the context of the sale, in relation to products similar to those being sold. The legal basis for processing is legitimate interest (Art. 6(1)(f)).
  • Profiling purposes aimed at evaluating the preferences expressed by users/Customers in the context of purchases and views on the Site. The legal basis for the processing is consent (Art. 6(1)(a)).
  • Defensive purposes in case of abuse in the use of the Site or fraud attempts. The legal basis for processing is legitimate interest (art. 6, first paragraph, let. f))


This Site may contain links or references to access other sites. Please be advised that the Data Controller does not control the cookies or other tracking technologies on those websites to which this Policy does not apply. We therefore suggest that you consult the individual privacy policies relating to those websites.

In order to offer you ScalaPay's payment methods, we may at checkout transfer your personal information in the form of contact and order details to ScalaPay so that ScalaPay can assess whether you are eligible for their payment methods and tailor those payment methods to your needs. Your transferred personal data is processed in line with ScalaPay's Privacy Policy.


Apart from what is specified for navigation data (necessary for the proper functioning of the Site), the user/Customers is free to provide his/her personal data. However, failure to provide them may result in the impossibility of obtaining what has been requested.


Please be advised that at any time you may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information. For example, if you have previously given consent for us to process your personal data for marketing purposes, you may change your mind at any time by writing or emailing us at




This document sets forth the Terms of Use of the Site (hereinafter, respectively, the "Terms of Use" and the "Site") owned by The Apartment S.r.l. with registered office in Cosenza, Via Carlo Cattaneo, 80/A, 87100, Cosenza, P.IVA: 04308510157 ("The Apartment").

Access to and navigation on the Site are governed by these Terms of Use, so that by accessing and navigating the Site users and Customers agree to agree to abide by these Terms of Use. to which all persons who intend to navigate the web pages of the same must abide.

Access to the Site and, in any case, any action involving navigation on its web pages constitute acceptance of the Terms of Use and, precisely for the purpose of making users/Customers of the Site aware of them, a link recalling this document appears when the home page of the Site is opened.

In case you do not intend to accept the Terms of Use, simply refrain from browsing the pages of the Site.

The Apartment reserves the right to temporarily or permanently block the account, effective immediately and without notice, of any user/Customer if illegal or fraudulent activity is detected. Likewise, The Apartment reserves the right to block the account, effective immediately and without notice, if abnormal use of the account is detected, including through the use of BOTs or other tools that The Apartment detects may alter or impair the functionality of the Site and its services.

In such cases, blocking the account will result in cancellation and cancellation of orders.

The Apartment reserves the right to ask users/Customers who do not agree or do not intend to abide by these terms to refrain from using the Site. Access to the Site and related services is intended for personal use only. Viewing the Site provides customers with information about proposed products along with the ability to purchase them.

The Site is owned by The Apartment.

The Apartment assumes no responsibility for malfunctions of the Site or for damages caused to the user/Customer by the use of the Site, which are not causally attributable to The Apartment itself.

The Apartment publishes information on its Site in order to provide a service to useers/Customers, but disclaims responsibility for any technical inaccuracies and/or typographical errors. If reported, The Apartment will make corrections immediately.

The Apartment makes no warranty that the information posted on its Site complies with the laws of the user/Cutomers's jurisdiction.

The Site is a protected site according to international Internet standards, therefore, the user/Customers's device may not be affected by viruses while browsing if this is done correctly. However, The Apartment disclaims any responsibility from any problems, damages, viruses or risks that the user/Customer may incur during the misuse of the Site and disclaims any responsibility from any malfunctions of the Site due to the deactivation of "cookies" in the user/Customers's browser.

Users/Cutomers must accept the terms and conditions of this legal notice, and should visit these pages periodically for any updates, changes, and corrections.

The Apartment reserves the right to make corrections and changes to the Site, as well as to modify the terms and Conditions of Use of the Site when necessary, without notice

In addition to the above, anyone who accesses the Site implicitly declares that he or she is of legal age and that he or she will not use the Site and the material contained therein for any purpose that is unlawful or otherwise contrary to applicable law.

The Terms of Use may be modified by The Apartment at any time, without notice of this circumstance being given to users/Customers, and without prejudice to users/Cutomers' obligation to review them periodically before accessing the contents of the Site.

If goods and services are offered within the web pages of the Site or content is presented that is subject to specific terms and conditions set forth on those pages, those terms and conditions will prevail over these Terms of Use where they conflict.

Content of the Site

The Apartment intends to offer, through the pages of the Site, information of a general nature in relation to its activities and, although this information is constantly verified and updated by competent and specially selected personnel, it is understood that the content of the same, with reference to the subject matter dealt with, is not to be considered either exhaustive or complete or otherwise correct. Therefore, the user/Customer who intends to rely on the information on the Site must carry out an independent and additional verification of the correctness of the same. In this regard, The Apartment informs that the material contained in the Site is to be considered "on as is basis," that is, it may not be adequate and/or suitable for specific purposes and interests pursued by the person accessing its pages or it may have within it elements that, if reused, could result in infringement of intellectual property rights in the ownership of third parties.

Links to both third-party sites may be included on the Site. In this case, the hyperlinks have only the function of facilitating the user/Customer’s navigation without there being any relationship between the content of the Site and that of the third party site reached, which remains outside the sphere of action of The Apartment. In addition, The Apartment makes it known that it cannot influence in any way the structure of third-party sites linked to its own nor have knowledge of the truthfulness, correctness and adequacy of the materials and/or information contained therein, and this even in the hypothesis that there are negotiating relationships between The Apartment and the third party owner of the site receiving the link.

Intellectual and industrial property rights

All contents of the Site are protected and safeguarded by current copyright and industrial and/or intellectual property laws. By way of example, but not limited to, the content of the Site must be understood to include, inter alia:



the films;


graphs and tables;


audio playbacks;

drawings, animated or not;

Any graphic and/or text representation in general.

Therefore, you may not copy and/or reproduce all or part of the content of the Site without the express written permission of The Apartment.

At the same time, it should be noted that all trademarks, domain names, company names, firms and signs present on the site are in the ownership of third party companies and/or The Apartment and therefore protected by current legislation on distinctive signs. It is therefore absolutely forbidden to reproduce them in any form or manner without the express written authorization of The Apartment or, where different, of the relevant rights holder as well as the registration of the name "The Apartment" under any top level domain is to be considered equally forbidden.

The Site and its contents (including but not limited to: the works, images, photographs, dialogues, music, sounds and videos, documents, drawings, figures, menus, web pages, graphics, colors, schemes, tools, fonts and design of the Site), as well as the trademarks and distinctive signs used by The Apartment in connection with the sale of the Products, are protected by the rules on intellectual and industrial property rights. Consequently, any kind of reproduction, communication, distribution, publication, alteration or transformation, in any form and for any purpose, of the contents of the Site, trademarks and distinctive signs used by The Apartment that is not expressly authorized is prohibited.

The trademarks and distinctive signs on the Site that distinguish the products sold on are the property of their respective owners and are used within the Site for the sole purpose of distinguishing, describing and advertising the goods for sale.

In addition, it should be noted that on the pages of the Site may be located trademarks, domain names, company names, firms and signs owned by third parties, with which The Apartment has relationships of collaboration in various capacities, which enjoy the same protection accorded to the distinctive signs of The Apartment by the relevant regulations in force.

Finally, The Apartment makes it known that it is absolutely forbidden to use all distinctive signs in The Apartment's ownership as metatags, i.e., as html language commands that, while not involving the display or formatting of a certain command, in any case provide instructions to electronic agents or search engines to increase the findability of a site other than those attributable to The Apartment.

Service features.

The Apartment, while adopting all the solutions from the most innovative and cutting-edge technological point of view to make sure that the Site is constantly accessible and free of defects of any kind, makes it known that the same may not be reachable and/or compatible with the computer systems used to access it nor free from errors, viruses and/or further computer malfunctions.

Accordingly, anyone accessing the Site expressly acknowledges and agrees that its use should therefore be understood to be made "on as available basis."

Ways of using the Site

In addition to the provisions of paragraph 3 above, The Apartment advises that the content of the Site may not be, in whole or in part, copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, transcribed, transmitted or distributed, in any manner or form, without having obtained the prior written permission of The Apartment, except for the activities of printing, downloading and viewing part of the content of the Site performed for exclusively personal and non-commercial purposes and provided that the material in question is not modified in any way and all information relating to intellectual and/or industrial property rights affixed thereto is maintained.

At the same time, the content of the Site may not, in whole or in part, be disseminated through communication channels, such as the Internet Network, television, radio or any other systems in the absence of prior written authorization from The Apartment.

The information and materials contained in the Site may not, moreover, be used for commercial purposes for the purpose of establishing databases of any kind or kind, nor may they be stored (in whole or in part) in pre-existing databases, whether accessed exclusively by the constituent or made available to third parties.

Linking and Framing

The Apartment informs that, in order to create a link to its home page currently reachable at the web address (the "Home Page"), it is necessary that a request to this effect be sent by e-mail in which the following must be indicated: (a) the details of the person responsible for the technical aspects of link management (including e-mail address and telephone number); (b) the details of the requesting company; (c) an indication of the web address of the site where the link to the Home Page will be created; (d) any further information is deemed useful for the purpose of obtaining authorization from The Apartment.

Where authorized by The Apartment, the creation of a link to the Site attributes a non-exclusive and non-transferable license having as its object the use of the name "The Apartment" for the sole and exclusive purpose of creating a hypertext link from the site in the third party's ownership to, with the express exclusion of any other use. In any case, The Apartment exclusively recognizes the possibility of creating a link to its Home Page and not to the internal pages of the Site.

Without the prior written authorization of The Apartment, it is in no way permitted to create links to the Home Page of the Site or even to internal and/or ancillary pages of the Site, effectively creating a so-called "deep link", nor to hook or present the content of the Site within another Site, consequently posing a so-called "framing".

In this regard, it should be noted that violation of the provisions of the previous paragraph also constitutes conduct that can be prosecuted under the aspect of unfair competition, which is governed by the relevant regulations in force.

Materials sent to The Apartment

Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 11. below, the submission to The Apartment, by e-mail or through the Site, of any material shall entail the implicit authorization for the same to be freely reproduced, used, revealed, displayed, transformed, used to make copies and distributed to third parties without any limitation. Likewise, subject to respect for the moral right of copyright, all text, ideas, concepts, know-how and/or technical knowledge that may be contained in such material may be freely used and economically exploited by The Apartment for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to the development, production and marketing of products using such material or related or connected to it. Through the submission of the material to The Apartment you represent and warrant that you are the exclusive owner of it, or otherwise have obtained the right to freely use it with the consequent total exclusion of the risk that its use may result in the infringement of rights of any kind and sort in the hands of third parties. In view of the "open" nature of the Internet Network, The Apartment expressly recommends that material which the user/Customer does not consider freely usable by third parties should not be transmitted through telematic communication channels.

Applicable Law

The Terms of Use shall be construed to be governed by Italian Law and shall accordingly be interpreted by applying such law.

Access to the Site - Liability

Anyone accessing the Site from a country other than Italy is required to conduct himself/herself in full compliance with the Terms of Use and the laws in force within the latter country and expressly guarantees that he/she will not use the Site and the material contained therein in such a way as to result in a violation of the laws just mentioned.

You are solely responsible for your use of the Site and its contents, and are solely responsible for the safekeeping and proper use of your personal information, including the credentials that give you access to the Site, and for any harmful consequences or detriment that may result from the misuse, loss, or misappropriation of such information.

Except for liability for willful misconduct and gross negligence, The Apartment assumes no responsibility for the use Site and content that does not comply with applicable laws by the user/Customer, nor for the provision of incorrect, false or related information and data to third parties without their consent.

Changes or additions to the Site

The Apartment informs that it may at any time, in total autonomy and at its own discretion, replace, add, modify and/or supplement the Site and/or the material contained therein as well as the technology used. In this regard, The Apartment expressly advises that such activities may result in the temporary or permanent inability to access the Site and/or its content.

Protection of personal data

The Apartment, as the Data Controller, wishes to provide the following specific information regarding the way in which its website is managed: (the "Site") with reference to the processing of personal data of the users/Customers who consult it. This is also an information provided pursuant to Article 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR" or "Regulation").


  • Directive 2002/58/EC on "the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector."
  • Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/ec (General Data Protection Regulation); and
  • Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003 "Code on the Protection of Personal Data," as amended by Legislative Decree No. 101 of August 10, 2018.


The Data Controller is The Apartment S.r.l., based in Cosenza, Via Carlo Cattaneo No. 80/A, e-mail address: [PLEASE COMPLETE] (the "Company" and/or the "Data Controller").


Processing related to the web services of this Site takes place at the aforementioned headquarters of the Company and at the offices of any other third parties, in accordance with current regulations, that may offer outsourced services.

The Apartment, in its capacity as "Data Controller", informs the user/Customer that the personal data provided by the same and acquired at the same time as (i) the registration on the Site, (ii) the conclusion of a contract for the purchase of products with the same The Apartment, (iii) the request for information regarding the products and services offered by that company, (iv) at the time of navigation on the Site through the so-called "logs" system, will be processed for the purposes indicated below:

  1. for the performance by The Apartment of activities necessary for the conclusion, management and execution of contracts for the purchase of products through the Site;
  2. For purposes strictly related and/or necessary to the satisfaction of requests made, from time to time, by the user/Customer through the Site or by e-mail or other means of communication
  3. for purposes related to obligations under laws, regulations and EU legislation as well as provisions issued by authorities empowered to do so by law or by supervisory and control bodies;
  4. Sending newsletters and promotional materials having to do with the services offered The Apartment.

In relation to the purposes indicated above, the processing of personal data is carried out using manual, computerized and telematic tools with logic strictly related to the purposes in question and, in any case, in such a way as to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data. In addition, if it is necessary in order to fulfill the user/Customer's requests, the user/Customer's data may be communicated to companies other than The Apartment.

Data will be kept within the EU unless otherwise stated.

With reference to the above-mentioned purposes, The Apartment informs that the provision of data is mandatory for the purposes sub (i), (ii) and (iii), with the consequence that, in such, any refusal to provide such data will result in The Apartment being unable to fulfill users/Customer' requests.

In view of the above, with reference to the processing referred to in number iv) above, The Apartment will require the user/Customer from time to time, through special masks placed on the Site, to give consent to the performance of such type of processing.

Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this Site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users/Customers to be identified. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users/Customer connecting to the Site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user/Customer's operating system and computer environment. These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site and to check its correct operation and are deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the Site.

Data voluntarily provided by the user/Customer

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of personal data by the user/Customer in the registration forms on this Site or by calling and/or writing any telephone numbers accessible from the Site, involves the subsequent acquisition of the data provided by the sender, necessary for the provision of the service or information requested. Specific information on the processing of personal data may be reported or displayed on the pages of the Site prepared for particular services requested.

Anonymous or aggregated data

Anonymization takes the form of processing aimed at preventing the identification of the data subject. Anonymized data are outside the scope of data protection legislation. Aggregated data may be derived from personal data provided by the user/Customer but are not considered personal data because, as specified, they neither directly nor indirectly allow identification of the data subject.


Please refer to the Cookie Policy accessible at for more information about the cookies we use.


 Personal data will be processed for the following purposes:

  • Purpose to enable navigation and consultation within the Site. The legal basis for processing is consent, which is understood to be manifestly given through consultation of the site (art. 6, first paragraph, let. a)).
  • Purposes inherent in the provision of requested services (responses to inquiries and subscription to informative newsletters). The legal basis for processing is consent, which is understood to be manifestly expressed by filling out the form (art. 6, first paragraph, let. a)).
  • Purposes inherent in the purchase of products. The legal basis for processing is the performance of the contract (Art. 6, first paragraph, let. b).
  • Purposes inherent in sending commercial communications. The legal basis for the processing is consent (Art. 6(1)(a)).
  • Purposes inherent in the sending of commercial communications to customers who have purchased a product, through the use of the email address provided in the context of the sale, in relation to products similar to those being sold. The legal basis for processing is legitimate interest (Art. 6(1)(f)).
  • Profiling purposes aimed at evaluating the preferences expressed by users/Customers in the context of purchases and views on the Site. The legal basis for the processing is consent (Art. 6(1)(a)).
  • Defensive purposes in case of abuse in the use of the Site or fraud attempts. The legal basis for processing is legitimate interest (art. 6, first paragraph, let. f))


This Site may contain links or references to access other sites. Please be advised that the Data Controller does not control the cookies or other tracking technologies on those websites to which this Policy does not apply. We therefore suggest that you consult the individual privacy policies relating to those websites.

In order to offer you ScalaPay's payment methods, we may at checkout transfer your personal information in the form of contact and order details to ScalaPay so that ScalaPay can assess whether you are eligible for their payment methods and tailor those payment methods to your needs. Your transferred personal data is processed in line with ScalaPay's Privacy Policy.


Apart from what is specified for navigation data (necessary for the proper functioning of the Site), the user/Customers is free to provide his/her personal data. However, failure to provide them may result in the impossibility of obtaining what has been requested.


Please be advised that at any time you may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information. For example, if you have previously given consent for us to process your personal data for marketing purposes, you may change your mind at any time by writing or emailing us at . The company will not sell or distribute the personal data collected to third parties unless it has collected explicit and free consent from the data subjects or unless expressly required by law. However, after collecting consent from data subjects, personal data may be used to send commercial communications.


Personal data are processed using automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access. Inspired by the main international standards, the Data Controller has also adopted additional security measures to minimize risks pertaining to the confidentiality, availability and integrity of the personal data collected and processed.


The data collected may be transferred or disclosed to other companies, specifically appointed in accordance with current regulations, for activities strictly related to the purposes indicated above and instrumental to the operation of the service, such as the management of the computer system, debt collection, the exercise of marketing activities, the provision of electronic communication services. Outside of these cases, personal data will not be disclosed or granted to anyone, unless contractually provided for or authorized by the subjects. In this sense, personal data could be transmitted to third parties, but only and exclusively in the event that: a) there is explicit consent to share the data with third parties; b) there is a need to share information with third parties in order to provide the requested service; c) this is necessary to fulfill requests from the Judicial or Public Security Authorities. No data from the web service is disseminated.

In order to offer you ScalaPay or AliPay or Apple Pay or Google Pay payment methods, we may transfer your personal data to them in the form of contact details and Order details to them at the time of payment so that they can assess your eligibility for the payment methods and customize those payment methods. Your transferred personal information is processed in line with the privacy policy of the aforementioned. "

Rakuten Advertising may collect personal information when you interact with The Apartment's digital properties, including IP addresses, digital identifiers, information about your web browsing and app usage, and how you interact with our properties and ads for a variety of purposes, such as personalizing offers or ads, analyzing how you engage with Site or ads, and other business purposes. For more information about the collection, use, and sale of your personal information and your rights, use the following links



Personal data will not be transferred to Third Countries, by which is meant countries not belonging to the European Union or the European Economic Area. Should this occur, the Data Controller declares and guarantees to comply with the provisions of Articles 44 et seq. of the GDPR. (IS THIS PROVISION ENFORCEABLE?).


The legislation protecting personal data expressly provides for certain rights of the subjects to whom the data refer (so-called data subject). In particular, pursuant to Articles 15 et seq. of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, each data subject has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of data concerning him or her, and if so, to obtain access to personal data, to obtain rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability, and to object to processing.
To exercise the above rights, the user/Customer may contact the Data Controller by sending a registered letter with return receipt to the address indicated or an email to .

Finally, The Apartment informs that pursuant to Art. 13 of the European Regulation 679/2016, it grants users/Customers who provide their personal data specific rights. In particular, the user/Customer may obtain from the data controller or the person in charge, if any, confirmation of the existence or non-existence of his or her personal data and that such data be made available to him or her in an intelligible form. The interested party may also request to know the origin of the data as well as the logic and purposes on which the processing is based; obtain the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law as well as the updating, rectification or, if there is interest, the integration of data; oppose, for legitimate reasons, the processing itself.

Users/Customers may exercise their rights under Article 13 of European Regulation 679/2016 by sending a communication by email.

In order to become aware of changes or modifications in the privacy policies followed by The Apartment, due primarily to regulatory changes, you should consult this document on an ongoing basis.


Data subjects who believe that the processing of personal data relating to them carried out through this Site is in violation of the provisions of the GDPR have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority, as provided for in Article 77 of the GDPR.


The Data Controller informs you that the data collected will be kept only for the time necessary to fulfill the specific purposes indicated. Any further retention of data or part of the data may be ordered to assert or defend its rights in any possible forum and in particular in the courts.


The Data Controller periodically checks its privacy and security policy and, if necessary, revises it in relation to regulatory, organizational or technological changes. In case of policy changes, the new version will be posted on this page of the Site.


The interpretation and execution of these conditions shall be governed by Italian law. The Court of Cosenza (CS) (Italy), shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute however related to these conditions. The Owner reserves the right to obtain urgent remedies in any Court, including abroad, to protect its interests and enforce its rights.


Anyone interested in more information, to contribute their own suggestions, or to make complaints or disputes regarding privacy policies, how the Data Controller processes personal data, as well as to assert their rights under data protection legislation, may contact the Data Controller by writing to The Apartment S.r.l., based in Cosenza, Via Carlo Cattaneo 80/A, 87100, Cosenza, e-mail address: .

The company will not sell or distribute the personal data collected to third parties unless it has collected explicit and free consent from the data subjects or unless expressly required by law. However, after collecting consent from data subjects, personal data may be used to send commercial communications.


Personal data are processed using automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access. Inspired by the main international standards, the Data Controller has also adopted additional security measures to minimize risks pertaining to the confidentiality, availability and integrity of the personal data collected and processed.


The data collected may be transferred or disclosed to other companies, specifically appointed in accordance with current regulations, for activities strictly related to the purposes indicated above and instrumental to the operation of the service, such as the management of the computer system, debt collection, the exercise of marketing activities, the provision of electronic communication services. Outside of these cases, personal data will not be disclosed or granted to anyone, unless contractually provided for or authorized by the subjects. In this sense, personal data could be transmitted to third parties, but only and exclusively in the event that: a) there is explicit consent to share the data with third parties; b) there is a need to share information with third parties in order to provide the requested service; c) this is necessary to fulfill requests from the Judicial or Public Security Authorities. No data from the web service is disseminated.

In order to offer you ScalaPay or AliPay or Apple Pay or Google Pay payment methods, we may transfer your personal data to them in the form of contact details and Order details to them at the time of payment so that they can assess your eligibility for the payment methods and customize those payment methods. Your transferred personal information is processed in line with the privacy policy of the aforementioned. "

Rakuten Advertising may collect personal information when you interact with The Apartment's digital properties, including IP addresses, digital identifiers, information about your web browsing and app usage, and how you interact with our properties and ads for a variety of purposes, such as personalizing offers or ads, analyzing how you engage with Site or ads, and other business purposes. For more information about the collection, use, and sale of your personal information and your rights, use the following links



Personal data will not be transferred to Third Countries, by which is meant countries not belonging to the European Union or the European Economic Area. Should this occur, the Data Controller declares and guarantees to comply with the provisions of Articles 44 et seq. of the GDPR. (IS THIS PROVISION ENFORCEABLE?).


The legislation protecting personal data expressly provides for certain rights of the subjects to whom the data refer (so-called data subject). In particular, pursuant to Articles 15 et seq. of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, each data subject has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of data concerning him or her, and if so, to obtain access to personal data, to obtain rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability, and to object to processing.
To exercise the above rights, the user/Customer may contact the Data Controller by sending a registered letter with return receipt to the address indicated or an email to .

Finally, The Apartment informs that pursuant to Art. 13 of the European Regulation 679/2016, it grants users/Customers who provide their personal data specific rights. In particular, the user/Customer may obtain from the data controller or the person in charge, if any, confirmation of the existence or non-existence of his or her personal data and that such data be made available to him or her in an intelligible form. The interested party may also request to know the origin of the data as well as the logic and purposes on which the processing is based; obtain the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law as well as the updating, rectification or, if there is interest, the integration of data; oppose, for legitimate reasons, the processing itself.

Users/Customers may exercise their rights under Article 13 of European Regulation 679/2016 by sending a communication by email.

In order to become aware of changes or modifications in the privacy policies followed by The Apartment, due primarily to regulatory changes, you should consult this document on an ongoing basis.


Data subjects who believe that the processing of personal data relating to them carried out through this Site is in violation of the provisions of the GDPR have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority, as provided for in Article 77 of the GDPR.


The Data Controller informs you that the data collected will be kept only for the time necessary to fulfill the specific purposes indicated. Any further retention of data or part of the data may be ordered to assert or defend its rights in any possible forum and in particular in the courts.


The Data Controller periodically checks its privacy and security policy and, if necessary, revises it in relation to regulatory, organizational or technological changes. In case of policy changes, the new version will be posted on this page of the Site.


The interpretation and execution of these conditions shall be governed by Italian law. The Court of Cosenza (CS) (Italy), shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute however related to these conditions. The Owner reserves the right to obtain urgent remedies in any Court, including abroad, to protect its interests and enforce its rights.


Anyone interested in more information, to contribute their own suggestions, or to make complaints or disputes regarding privacy policies, how the Data Controller processes personal data, as well as to assert their rights under data protection legislation, may contact the Data Controller by writing to The Apartment S.r.l., based in Cosenza, Via Carlo Cattaneo 80/A, 87100, Cosenza, e-mail address: .